Perform at Porchfest

Play a show you’ll never forget.

Porchfest is one of Joplin’s largest and most unique music events. You’ll play right on the front porch of one of North Heights’ beautiful historic homes. The vibe is cozy and intimate, but with a bigger and broader audience than the typical bar show.

We plan to accept around 40 bands. Bands not immediately accepted will be placed on the waitlist. A few bands drop out every year, so there’s a good chance you may still get to play even if you aren’t initially accepted!

Signing up does not guarantee a spot; we’ll reach out via email to confirm.


Signup deadline: June 1, 2025

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the signup process work?

Signups typically open up in April, and we accept 30-40 bands. The exact number depends on how many Porch Hosts we can round up.

We finalize the lineup in August. We almost always receive more applications than we can accept — but we also usually have a few bands withdraw in the weeks before the event. So, anyone who isn’t accepted into the initial lineup is placed on the waitlist. 

We will email you as soon as possible to let you know if you’ve been chosen for Porchfest, but please know that it will likely be late July/early August before you hear from us.

Can non-musical acts perform at Porchfest?

Yes! We haven’t had many non-musical performers over the years, so our signup process is tailored to musicians. But we’d certainly be open to dancers, comedians, drama troupes, jugglers, competitive basket weavers, or whatever you can dream up as long as it’s family-friendly.

Fill out the signup form above as best you can, and we’ll reach out to you to work out details.

When will I find out my location and time slot?

Early September, about a month before the event. We’ll give you contact information for your Porch Host so that you can coordinate all the event-day details.

How long will my set be?

About 45 minutes. A new set of bands plays every hour, so please watch your time to ensure your set doesn’t bleed into anyone else’s.

Do I need to bring my own sound equipment?

Yes. We have no sound equipment and are largely clueless about it. However, a couple of our Porch Hosts are musicians, so we may be able to get you set up with some PA gear if you want to play Porchfest.
Is this a paid gig?

We’re a small team of volunteers with an even smaller budget, but our highest priority is making Porchfest worthwhile for musicians. 

In 2022, for the first time, we paid all our bands a stipend of $50 with the help of grants sponsorships from local businesses. We plan to continue this as long as we have adequate funding.

Attendees are strongly encouraged to tip musicians. We give every band a tip jar with a QR code on the front linked to their Venmo, Paypal, etc., giving the audience many ways to tip musicians.

What kind of music is played at Porchfest?

Musicians of all kinds are welcome, as long as they’re reasonably family-friendly. A lot of kids and families come to Porchfest.

Do I have to submit a performance sample?

Yes, if this would be your first time playing Porchfest. We get a lot of new applicants every year, and we need some way to assess each musician’s genre, family-friendliness, and quality to finalize a lineup for the event. We will not accept musicians who haven’t sent a performance sample.

That being said, the sample certainly doesn’t need to be fancy — a 1-2 minute clip, video or just audio, is enough. You can include a link in your signup form (social media is fine), or you can email us a file separately.

If you’ve played at Porchfest before, there’s no need to send a performance sample.

Can I sell my band’s merch at Porchfest?

Yes, as long as it’s reasonably family-friendly.

What do I need to bring?

Sunglasses and sunscreen are a good idea. All musical and sound equipment. Depending on what your Porch Host has on hand, you may also need to bring extension cords, seating, a canopy, etc.